Identification of the candidate ports required for construction and assembly of floating offshore wind (FOW) floaters and turbines to determine suitable port infrastructure for supporting a future FOW industry in California and Oregon. Investigation of the technical aspects of constructing floating offshore wind hull foundations and assembling wind turbine generators.
Evaluated the capability of existing navigation channels and other in-water areas within the west coast to support safe and efficient wind farm construction.
Assessed the need for potential geometric or operational modifications to the existing and proposed channels.
Assessment of the interactions between all fabrication, transport and assembly stages and identification of opportunities, constraints and planning needs required.
Analysis of two alternative scenarios for fabrication, transport, assembly, and supply-chain for the wind turbine floaters (fully fabricated hull and pre-fabricated main hull components), providing a high-level description of required yard and assembly facilities for Hull Assembly Port (HAP) and WTG Integration Port (WTGIP) based on the study of workflow and expected activities for Hull assembly and WTG-hull integration methodology.
How did OCA get this result?
Conducted a preliminary screening assessment of potential development locations relative to different types of FOW activities to identify favorable development areas.
Identified focus areas for each FOW activity for further investigation.
Conducted gap analysis to assess the capability of existing facilities to accommodate integration activities, foundation assembly, component manufacturing, and O&M and to assess the need for upgrades or development of a new terminal.
Supplied a shortlist of suitable ports to engage owners and identify port market constraints and opportunities.