Development and supply of bespoke proprietary OPEX modelling tool. This developed OPEX model had numerous adjustable factors allowing the client to perform a reasonable assessment of OPEX globally.
Delivery of OPEX modelling tool with key adjustable drivers including;
Windfarm capacity, no. of WTG and individual WTG size, Project CAPEX, contingency and insurance, Foundation type, Logistics options, Transmission Type, EC and IAC Length
Further to the main adjustable drivers the model outlined default failure rates for corrective maintenance but allowed rates to be adjusted as desired. This factor allows for improved benchmarking and future proofing of the model.
How did OCA get this result?
OCA created a bespoke OPEX model that facilitates developers and investors to assess OPEX effectively. Adjustable base assumptions allows improved benchmarking and future proofing of the model.